Best Foods to Eat Before a Yoga Class
Munch on any of these snacks before you hit the mat!

Hydrate and gives you a little sugar jolt, and they clean your teeth. Apples are also a great source of vitamin C, and contains fiber, which can help hold you over until after you've finished holding those Kemetic yoga pose. Basic research suggests that apples may reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Apple peels contain ursolic acid which, in rat studies, increases skeletal muscle and brown fat, and decreases white fat, obesity, glucose intolerance, and fatty liver disease. Apple peels are a source of various phytochemicals.
A handful of almonds before class helps boost your energy and keeps off hunger. Almonds contain vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium, which means you'll have plenty of stamina to stay in that difficult kemetic yoga pose , be sure to eat them plain and unsalted to maximize their energizing benefits. The almond contains about 26% carbohydrates ,12% dietary fiber, 6.3% sugars, 0.7% starch and the rest miscellaneous carbohydrates, and may therefore be made into flour for cakes and cookies (biscuits) for low-carbohydrate diets. A standard serving of almond flour, 1 cup, contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, of which 10 g is dietary fiber, for a net of 10 g of carbohydrate per cup. This makes almond flour very desirable for use in cake and bread recipes by people on carbohydrate-restricted diets. Almond flour is often used as a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour in cooking and baking.
"You want something that burns easy and will keep you tied over till the end of your class but won't make you ill while practicing." Half a cup of oatmeal makes a good, light pre-practice snack. Packed with antioxidants, high-fiber oatmeal fills you up, warms your soul and makes your heart (and other body parts) happier and healthier.
Most experts agreed that fruit is a great pre-yoga snack, but the type of fruit you eat is also important. The low acidity level of pears make them a smart selection for a pre-mat snack. Plus, pears are high in fiber, which means they are more likely to keep you satisfied until your next meal. Pears are a good source of vitamin C. Most of the vitamin C, as well as the dietary fiber, is contained within the skin of the fruit. Most of the fiber is insoluble, making pears a good laxative.
Raisins are a great source of natural sugar that will give you energy for your kemetic yoga practice they are so portable and gym-bag friendly. Raisins range from about 67% to 72% sugars by weight, most of which is fructose and glucose. They also contain about 3% protein and 3.5% dietary fiber. Raisins, like prunes and apricots, are also high in certain antioxidants, but have a lower vitamin C content than fresh grapes. Raisins are low in sodium and contain no cholesterol. In addition, they are rich in heart-healthy electrolyte potassium. 100 g provide 749 mg of potassium. Potassium reduces heart rate, blood pressure by countering sodium and thereby helps prevent stroke, CHD, and peripheral vascular diseases. Furthermore, they are also good source of some B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid.
Potassium-rich bananas make a great pre-workout snack, but they are great for yogis too. Potassium works with sodium to help keep your body properly hydrated, making this snack super a-peel-ing before that heated Kemetic yoga class that will have you sweating buckets. Banana is one of the high calorie tropical fruits. 100 g of fruit provides 90 calories. It contains good amounts of health benefiting anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Fresh bananas provide adequate levels of minerals like copper, magnesium, and manganese. Magnesium is essential for bone strengthening and has a cardiac-protective role as well. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Fresh banana is a very rich source of potassium. 100 g fruit provides 358 mg potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure, countering bad effects of sodium.
Another potassium packed (and easily portable) snack, a single ounce serving of prunes provides almost 300mg of potassium. And contrary to popular belief, a small serving won't have you running to the restroom (a 1 oz serving has less than 1g of fiber), so they are safe to eat before your kemetic yoga class. Prunes also have a high antioxidant content. If you're a post menopausal woman or someone who is just about to enter her menopausal years then preventing osteoporosis should start being one of your concerns. Studies conducted on animals showed that a regular supply of prunes can contribute to bone mass. If you are trying to lose weight then prunes should be part of your diet. Because of their fiber content, prunes are able to give you that full and satisfied feeling, which prevents you from overeating.
Dried Apricots:
Dried apricots contain natural sugars to help boost your energy, but lack the acidity of citrus fruits, which can sometimes cause heartburn during activity. A cup of dried apricots provides you with 94% of your daily requirement of vitamin A and 19% of your daily requirement of iron. Dried apricots also contain a small amount of calcium and vitamin C, as well as 9.5 grams of fiber. Dried apricots are often cited as one of the healthiest options when it comes to dry fruits. They contain high amounts of pectin, or soluble fiber, which can help lower cholesterol, ease constipation and improve digestion. Dried apricots also contain a good amount of potassium, which is essential for heart health. When it comes to nutrition, dry apricots are a better choice over fresh ones because they contain a higher concentration of carotenoids. Carotenoids are antioxidants that can protect you against the oxidative damage of free radicals, which can increase your risk of developing cancer and other diseases.

Melon is a water-rich fruit that is also low in acid that can help you stay hydrated and energized during your warrior poses. Besides tasting great and being low in calories because watermelon is mostly water, it is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which a major antioxidant. It has a high beta carotene concentration, thus offering a fair amount of vitamin A as well. Both beta carotene with vitamin A help support good eyesight and prevent glaucoma. High intakes of combined beta-carotene and vitamin C have demonstrated, through clinical and scientific studies, a propensity for warding off various cancers and heart disease, reducing arthritis symptoms, and minimizing asthmatic breathing problems. A surprise nutrient is vitamin B, especially B1 (thiamine) and B6 (pyridoxine). Thiamine is important for maintaining electrolytes and nervous system signal transmissions throughout the body. Pyridoxine is essential for enzymatic functions that convert food into cellular energy.
Greek Yogurt:
As long as you don't have any problems digesting dairy, a little yogurt can make a good pre-yoga snack option. Try a small serving of Greek yogurt for a protein-rich snack that is rich in lactose, a naturally occurring sugar that will give you sustained energy. Greek-style yogurt is thicker and contains less sugar and more protein than other yogurts, making it a healthy alternative. Choose plain-flavored yogurt and sweeten it with fresh fruit, which keeps sugar intake low. Adding Greek-style yogurt to your diet increases your intake of calcium and protein, which are good for bones and muscles. Greek-style yogurt is a good source of probiotics healthy bacteria that aid digestion. Consuming probiotics promotes regularity and treats diarrhea. Probiotics can also treat irritable bowel syndrome. When purchasing yogurt, look for the term "live and active cultures" on the label and be sure it has not been heat-treated, which can reduce the amount of probiotics yogurt contains. Have Greek-style yogurt for a snack or sprinkle with granola for breakfast.
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